The System Initialization File (petrovr.ini)

The system initialization file contains parameters which are set when PetroVR is opened.

A semicolon (;) at the start of a line indicates a comment.

These are all the possible initialization parameters:

Group Parameter Description Default
[License] type=Flex License type available in the current computer. See the PetroVR Installation Guide for information on network license installation. (none)
[Fonts] TextFont=<font type> TextFontSize=<font size> Font type and size used in the interface. Only fonts with "western" script will work (see the script setting in the font selection dialog). TextFont=Trebuchet MS TextFontSize=10
[Default Directories and Files] unitFileName=<file path> Location of the Units file.
Globals=<file path> Default Globals file for new projects.
updatesDirectory=<directory path> Default folder for updates.
AriesMapping=<file path> Location of the Aries Mapping File (see Importing Wells from Databases.)
WellDatabaseMapping=<file path> Location of the database mapping file (see Importing Wells from Databases.)
DataflowMapping=<file path> Location of the Dataflow Mapping File (see Publishing PetroVR Projects.)
history#=<file path> Last seven Plan files opened.
econHistory#=<file path> Last seven Econ files opened.
[Start Up] Confirm Globals Change=<Boolean> If set to true, a warning is shown if the Globals file associated with a project has a different name or location than the current global file. Confirm Globals Change=false
Email=<email address> Email address used for logging in to the PetroVR Help Desk and for downloading updates (see Support and Version Upgrading and Working with Updates.)
Show Dialog=<Boolean> If set to true, the file selection pop-up dialog displays when PetroVR is opened. Show Dialog=false
[Date Format] Date Format=<format> Date format. Date Format=dd/MM/yyyy
[Palantir] url=<url> Palantir server URL (see Options (Tools menu).)
port=<port number> Palantir connection port.
useWindowsCredentials=<Boolean> Use Windows user information to log in to Palantir.
active=<Boolean> Enable Palantir link.
[Results Repository] url=<url> Results Repository server URL (see Publishing PetroVR Projects.)
port=<port number> Results Repository connection port.
[Technical Switches] enableAutoSave=<Boolean> Enable automatic saving of the project. enableAutoSave=true
autoSavePeriod=<time> Enter time (in minutes) to automatically save the project. autoSavePeriod=1
Simplify FML=<Boolean> Enable the FML Expression Simplifier.
hideDecisionTrees=<Boolean> Show/Hide the Decision Tree tool in the Toolbar.
hideTextWin=<Boolean> Hide the log window when running PetroVR in Headless Mode (Batch Processing). hideTextWin=true
validationLimit=<number> Maximum number of Validation Messages to be displayed in the Status tabs. validationLimit=50
showDepletionPlanWellMaps=<Boolean> Show the reservoir Map Tab. Redrawing the map can be time consuming for large projects, so that deactivating it when not needed can help save time. showDepletionPlanWellMaps=true
showMapWellConnections=<Boolean> Show connection lines between wells and facilities; see above. showMapWellConnections=false
useRecoveryLog=<Boolean> Enable automatic saving of all actions into the recovery log.
Enable the use central processing units and graphics processing units for OpenCL Processing. useOpenCLCPUDevice=true
useThermalFeatures=<Boolean> Enable Thermal features in new projects. useThermalFeatures:false
useLoggedChannel=<Boolean> If true, a log of all MC iterations run using Multi-Core Processing. This should only be added at the request of the PetroVR Help Desk.
[Portfolio Indicators] portfolioIndicator#=<indicator> Default indicators for new portfolios. These can also be replaced by using the Save indicators as default option in the Portfolio Definition Tab (Portfolio). portfolioIndicator1='CapEx:sum:Money:$ MM:'
portfolioIndicator2='Cash Flow:sum:Money:$ MM:'
portfolioIndicator3='Oil Production:sum:Liquid Volume:MM bbl:'
portfolioIndicator4='Opex:sum:Money:$ MM:'
[Updates] UpdatePack=<update pack number> Last Working with Updates installed.
Last Installation=<date> Last time PetroVR was installed.
Most settings under Technical Switches can be modified from the Options (Tools menu). Changes made there are saved to the petrovr.ini file.